30+ Balance of Payment and WTO MCQ’s | (Free Resource) Business Economics

21. The Agreement on Agriculture does not aim at ________ .
a) Improving market access
b) reducing domestic subsidies
c) Increasing export subsidies
d) reducing domestic support

22. Intellectual property rights include ________ .
a) copyrights
b) layout designs
c) trade marks
d) All of the above

23. The current account balance of BoP does not include _________ .
a) FDI
b) services exports
c) unilateral transfers
d) non-factor services

24. _________ is not a part of unilateral transfers.
a) Short term loans
b) gifts
c) donations
d) remittances by workers

25. ________ is not a direct measure to correct BoP disequilibrium.
a) quotas
b) tariffs
c) Devaluation of exchange rate
d) import substitution

26. When BoP disequilibrium is chronic in nature and lasts for a longtime, it is a sign of ________ disequilibrium.
a) cyclical
b) structural
c) fundamental
d) monetary

27. When disequilibrium takes place due to changes in demand pattern for exports or imports, it is a case of _________ disequilibrium.
a) structural
b) cyclical
c) long-term
d) short-term

28. TRIMs agreement refers to treating foreign investment at ________ with domestic investment.
a) par
b) premium
c) discount
d) inequity

29. The effectiveness of devaluation depends on ________ .
a) international cooperation
b) elasticity of demand for merchandise goods
c) elasticity of demand for services
d) All of the above

30. Foreign exchange reserves of India include ________ .
a) SDRs
b) Foreign Currency Assets
c) Gold Reserves
d) All of the above

Answers: 21)Increasing export subsidies 22)All of the above 23)FDI 24)Short term loans 25)Devaluation of exchange rate 26)fundamental 27)structural 28)par 29)All of the above 30)All of the above

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  1. April 4, 2022

    […] Balance of Payment and International Economics Organisation […]

  2. April 4, 2022

    […] Balance of Payment and International Economics Organisation […]

  3. May 25, 2024

    […] Balance of Payment and International Economics Organisation […]

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