Exemption from Tax MCQ (S.11) | 25 Free MCQs on GST
Exemption from Tax MCQ

1. Which one of the following is true?
(a) Entire income of any trust is exempted from GST
(b) Entire income of a registered trust is exempted from GST
(c) Incomes from specified/defined charitable activities of a trust are exempted from GST
(d) Incomes from specified/defined charitable activities of a registered trust (u/s 12AA of Income Tax Act)are exempted from GST
2. Select the correct statement?
(a) Transfer of a going concern wholly is not exempt from GST
(b) Transfer of a going concern is partly exempt from GST
(c) Transfer partly as going concern is exempted from GST
(d) Transfer of a going concern is exempt from GST
3. Service by whom, by way of any activity in relation to any function entrusted to a municipality under Article 243 W of the Constitution, is exempted?
(a) Central Government or State Government or Union territory or Local authority
(b) Governmental authority
(c) Municipality under Article 243 W of the Constitution
(d) All of above
4. Which is a wrong statement?
(a) All services of Department of Post are exempted
(b) All services by State/Central Governments/local authorities in relation to an aircraft or avessel in a Port or an Airport are exempted
(c) All services by State/Central Governments/local authorities in relation to transport ofpassengers are exempted
(d) All the above mentioned
5. Services to a single residential unit is, exempted if:
(a) It is pure labour service only
(b) It is works contract only
(c) It is a part of residential complex only
(d) It is on ground floor without further super structure
6. Which exemption option is right from the following?
(a) For letting out any immovable property
(b) For letting out any residential dwelling for use as residence
(c) For letting out any residential property irrespective of its use
(d) For none of the above
7. Services by a hotel, inn, guest house, club or campsite are exempted for residential / lodging purposes –
(a) If the actual tariff for a unit of accommodation is below Rs 10,000
(b) If the actual tariff for a unit of accommodation is below Rs 1,000
(c) If the actual tariff for a unit of accommodation is exactly Rs 1,000
(d) If the actual tariff for a unit of accommodation is above Rs 1,000
8. Transportation of passengers exempted if –
(a) It is by air-conditioned stage carriage
(b) It is by air-conditioned contract carriage
(c) It is by non-air-conditioned stage carriage for tourism, charter or hire
(d) None of the above
9. Transportation of passengers is exempted –
(a) In an air-conditioned railway coach
(b) In a vessel for public tourism purpose between places in India
(c) In a metered cab/auto rickshaw / e rickshaw
(d) In all the above mentioned
10. Transportation of goods is not exempted if it is –
(a) by a goods transport agency / courier agency
(b) by inland waterways
(c) by an aircraft from a place outside India upto the customs station of clearance in India
(d) by all the above mentioned
Answers: 1)Incomes from specified/defined charitable activities of a registered trust (u/s 12AA of Income Tax Act)are exempted from GST 2)Transfer of a going concern is exempt from GST 3)All of above 4)All the above mentioned 5)It is pure labour service only 6)For letting out any residential dwelling for use as residence 7)If the actual tariff for a unit of accommodation is below Rs 1,000 8)None of the above 9)In a metered cab/auto rickshaw / e rickshaw 10)by a goods transport agency / courier agency |
11. Transportation of agricultural produces, milk, salt and food grain including flour, pulses and rice,‘relief materials meant for victims of natural or man-made disasters, calamities, accidents ormishap’, newspaper or magazines registered with the Registrar of Newspapers – is exempted –
(a) If it is by a goods transport agency
(b) If it is by a rail – within India
(c) If it is by a vessel – within India
(d) If it is by all of the above
12. Which of the following is exempted –
(a) Services by way of loading, unloading, packing, storage or warehousing of rice
(b) Services by way of loading and unloading of jute
(c) Services by way of packing and storage or warehousing of rubber
(d) None of the above
13. Core services of which organization is not exempted –
(a) Services provided by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India to insurers
(b) Services provided by the Securities and Exchange Board of India set up under the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 (15 of 1992) by way of protecting the interests of investors
(c) Services by Port Trusts
(d) Services by the Reserve Bank of India
14. If the aggregate turnover of in F.Y. 2018-19 of M/s ABCD Enterprises, Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu,India was Rs 18 lakh, exemption is available for the following services rendered to ABCD Enterprises
(a) Arbitral Tribunal services
(b) Legal services by firm of advocates
(c) Legal services by senior advocate
(d) All of the above
15. Which of the following is exempted?
(a) All kinds of long term (30 or more years) leases of industrial plots
(b) Long term (30 or more years) leases of industrial plots or plots for development of infrastructure for financial business by State Government Industrial Development Corporations or Undertakings to industrial units
(c) Short term (up to 30 years) leases of industrial plots by State Government IndustrialDevelopment Corporations or Undertakings to industrial units
(d) All kinds of short term (up to 30 years) lease of industrial plots
16. One of the following is exempted from GST –
(a) Any business exhibition
(b) A business exhibition in India
(c) A business exhibition outside India
(d) None of the above
17. Which of the following is not exempted -?
(a) Health care service to human beings by authorized medical practitioners / para medics
(b) Health care services to Animals/Birds
(c) Slaughtering of animals
(d) Rearing horses
18. Services by educational institution is exempted if the services are to –
(a) Any common man
(b) Its own students, faculty / staff
(c) Both a & b
(d) None of the above
19. Services by a Non-Profit entity (Registered or Unregistered) are exempted –
(a) If they are to its own members provided the contribution received is up to Rs 7500 , per month from a member
(b) If they are to its own members, provided the contribution received is up to Rs 7500 per month from a member towards sourcing goods/services from any third person for common use of members
(c) If they are to its own members, provided the contribution is less than Rs 7500 per month from a member towards sourcing goods/services from any third person for common use of members
(d) If they are to its own members, provided the contribution is up to Rs 7500 per month per member for common use specified members
20. Which of the following are exempted services?
(a) Services by an artist by way of a performance in folk or classical art forms of music/ dance /theatre with consideration therefor not exceeding Rs 1 lakh
(b) Services by an artist by way of a performance in folk or classical art forms of music/ dance with consideration therefor not exceeding Rs 1.5 lakh
(c) Services by an artist by way of a performance in folk or classical art forms of music/ dance /theatre with consideration therefor not exceeding Rs 1.5 lakh
(d) Services by an artist as a brand ambassador by way of a performance in folk or classical art forms of music/ dance / theatre with consideration therefor not exceeding Rs 1.5 lakh
Answers: 11)If it is by all of the above 12)Services by way of loading, unloading, packing, storage or warehousing of rice 13)Services by Port Trusts 14)All of the above 15)Long term (30 or more years) leases of industrial plots or plots for development of infrastructure for financial business by State Government Industrial Development Corporations orUndertakings to industrial units 16)A business exhibition outside India 17)Rearing horses 18)Its own students, faculty / staff 19)If they are to its own members, provided the contribution received is up to Rs 7500 per month from a member towards sourcing goods/services from any third person for common use of members 20)Services by an artist by way of a performance in folk or classical art forms of music/ dance /theatre with consideration therefor not exceeding Rs 1.5 lakh |
21. Transportation of passengers by _______ are exempt from GST.
(a) Railway in first class
(b) Railway in an air-conditioned coach
(c) Metro
(d) All of the above
22. Transportation of ________ by a GTA in a goods carriage is exempt from GST.
(a) Agricultural produce
(b) Organic manure
(c) Milk
(d) All of the above
23. What of the following services provided to an educational institution – Debo Public School- are exempt from GST?
(a) Transportation of staff of the school
(b) Cleaning of the school
(c) Services relating to conduct of higher secondary exams
(d) All of the above
24. Transportation of passengers by_______ are exempt from GST.
(a) air conditioned stage carriage
(b) radio taxi
(c) air, terminating in Nagaland airport
(d) All of the above
25. Which of the following services provided by Department of Posts are exempt from GST?
(a) Speed posts
(b) Life Insurance
(c) Express parcel posts
(d) None of the above
26. Distribution of electricity by a distribution utility is a:
(a) Non-taxable supply
(b) Exempt Supply
(c) Nil Rated Supply
(d) Neither supply of goods nor supply of services
27. An exempt supply includes
(a) Supply of goods or services or both which attracts Nil rate of tax
(b) Non-taxable supply
(c) Supply of goods or services or both which are wholly exempt from tax under Section 11 of the CGST Act or under Section 6 of IGST Act
(d) All of the above
Answers: 21)Metro 22)All of the above 23)All of the above 24)air, terminating in Nagaland airport 25)None of the above 26)Exempt Supply 27)All of the above |