Labour Cost MCQ with Answers | Cost Accounting MCQs (Free Resource)
Labour Cost MCQ with Answers

1. Dial Time recorder has ___________ holes.
a) 360
b) 200
c) 500
d) 160
2. _________ card is placed at the entrance of the factory.
a) Job card
b) Clock Card
c) None of the above
3. Time __________ is essential for costing purpose.
a) Records
b) Booking
c) Costing
d) None of the above
4. ________ shows effective use of time.
a) Time allowed
b) Effective use of time
c) Idle Time Card
d) None of the above
5. Piece workers are paid wages on __________ basis.
a) Piece Rate
b) Time Rate
c) Time saved basis
d) None of the above
6. Casual workers are appointed in place of _________ .
a) Retrenched workers
b) Absentees
c) Sincere workers
d) None of the above
7. Time ________ is necessary for pay roll.
a) Keeping
b) Records
c) Booking
d) None of the above
8. Time __________ is done to ascertain labour cost.
a) Records
b) Booking
c) Controlling
d) None of the above
9. ____________ sheet is the method of time booking.
a) Daily Time
b) Attendance Register
c) Time clock
d) None of the above
10. The card which shows time spent by a worker is called __________ card.
a) Job Ticker
b) Salary slip
c) Job
d) None of the above
Answers: 1)160 2) Clock Card 3) Booking 4) Idle Time Card 5) Piece Rate 6) Absentees 7) Keeping 8) Booking 9) Daily Time 10) Job |
11. Workers who work outside the factory premises are called as __________ works.
a) Out
b) Job
c) Casual
d) Badli
12. _________ accounting is concerned with computation of wages.
a) Pay roll
b) Muster roll
c) Pay slip
d) None of the above
13. ________ roll shows details of wages paid.
a) Pay
b) Muster
c) Both (A) & (B)
d) None of the above
14. ________ sheet shows gross wages.
a) Net
b) Deductions
c) Wage
d) All of the above
15. ____________ is prepared for individual worker.
a) Job Card
b) Pay card
c) Job card
d) Sheet All of the above
16. __________ labour cannot be readily identified.
a) Direct
b) Indirect
c) Production
d) Actual
17. __________ is a system of recording arrival and departure time of each worker.
a) Time keeping
b) Book keeping
c) Pay roll
d) None of the above
18. Muster roll is kept at the ____________ of the factory.
a) Gate
b) Office
c) Godown
d) None of the above
19.____________ facilitates the reconciliation of gate time with work time.
a) Idle Time Card
b) Job Card
c) I Card
d) None of the above
20. Usually ___________ workers are paid daily basis.
a) Casual
b) Job
c) Retrenched
d) Sincere
Answers: 11) Out 12) Pay roll 13) Pay 14) Wage 15) Pay 16) Indirect 17) Time keeping 18) Gate 19) Job Card 20) Casual |
21. _________ is a periodic statement of wages.
a) Pay Roll
b) Pay slip
c) Job Card
d) Job Sheet
22. Net wages are gross wages less __________ .
a) Deduction
b) Wage
c) Gross wage
d) None of the above
23. Analysis of wages paid to each worker is called ________ abstract.
a) Net wage
b) Gross wage
c) Wage
d) None of the above
24. _________ is turnover of workers.
a) Labour Turnover
b) Stock Turnover
c) Debtor’s Turnover
d) None of the above
25. Low wages cause ________ .
a) Stock Turnover
b) Debtor’s Turnover
c) Labour Turnover
d) All of the above
26. Flux method is used to calculate ___________.
a) Debtor’s Turnover
b) Stock Turnover
c) Labour Turnover
d) None of the above
27. Labour turnover leads to high_________.
a) Cost
b) Productivity
c) Labour
d) None of the above
28. Cost of labour turnover may be ___________ or replacement.
a) Preventive
b) Replacement
c) Both a & b
d) None of the above
29. Medical services cost is ____________ cost.
a) Replacement
b) Preventive
c) Both a & b
d) None of the above
30. Cost of welfare services is _________ cost.
a) Preventive
b) Replacement
c) Both a & b
d) None of the above
Answer: 21) Pay Roll 22) Deduction 23) Wage 24) Labour Turnover 25) Labour Turnover 26) Labour Turnover 27) Cost 28) Preventive 29) Preventive 30) Preventive |
31. Pension scheme can ___________ labour turnover.
a) Increase
b) Decrease
c) Maintain
d) All of the above
32. Replacement cost is associated with ____________ of labour.
a) Appointment
b) Termination
c) Replacement
d) All of the above
33. Cost of accident is __________ cost.
a) Replacement
b) Preventive
c) Sunk cost
d) All of the above
34. Unavoidable cause of labour turnover may be ____________ of employee.
a) Exit interview, Better facilities, Better pay
b) Low wages, Lack of Training, Lack of Proper HR Policies
c) Death, Retirement, Marriage
d) All of the above
35. Exit interview can _________ labour turnover.
a) Reduce
b) Increase
c) Maintain
d) None of the above
36. In a firm, there were 750 employees on 1st April. During the month 120 employees were left and 250 employees were appointed. No. of the employees on 30th April were.
a) 1,000
b) 880
c) 550
d) 630
37. Under _________ system wages are paid at a fixed rate.
a) Time Rate
b) Piece Rate
c) Rowan Plan
d) Halsey Plan
38. Under __________ system output of worker is not relevant.
a) Rowan Plan
b) Time Rate
c) Halsey Plan
d) Piece Rate
39. Under _________ system wages are guaranteed for time taken.
a) Time Rate
b) Rowan Plan
c) Piece Rate
d) None of the above
40. ___________ system reduces rough handling of machines.
a) Time Rate
b) Piece Rate
c) Rowan Plan
d) Halsey Plan
Answer: 31) Decrease 32) Replacement 33) Replacement 34) Death, Retirement, Marriage 35) Reduce 36) 880 37) Time Rate 38) Time Rate 39) Time Rate 40) Time Rate |
41. ____________ system does not provide incentive to efficient workers.
a) Time Rate
b) Halsey Plan
c) Piece Rate
d) None of the above
42. _________ system brings down output.
a) Time Rate
b) Piece Rate
c) Halsey Plan
d) None of the above
43. _________ system is suitable when quality of work is more important.
a) Time Rate
b) Halsey Plan
c) Piece Rate
d) Rowan Plan
44. Under the piece rate system wages are paid at a __________.
a) Time Rate
b) Fixed Rate Unit
c) Standard time
d) None of the above
45. Under _________ system time spent on job is not considered.
a) Piece rate
b) Time Rate
c) Halsey Plan
d) Halsey Plan
46. __________ system provides incentives to efficient workers.
a) Time Rate
b) Piece Rate
c) Halsey Plan
d) None of the above
47. __________ system reduces tendency of workers to go slow.
a) Time Rate
b) Piece Rate
c) Halsey Plan
d) Rowan Plan
48. _________ system is suitable where tasks can be readily measured.
a) Time Rate
b) Piece Rate
c) Rowan Plan
d) Halsey Plan
49. ___________ system is suitable when quality of work is important.
a) Piece Rate
b) Halsey Plan
c) Time Rate
d) None of the above
50. Under __________ bonus is paid to the workers on the basis of time saved.
a) Time Rate
b) Halsey Plan
c) Piece Rate
d) None of the above
Answer: 41) Time Rate 42) Time Rate 43) Time Rate 44) Fixed Rate Unit 45) Piece rate 46) Piece Rate 47) Piece Rate 48) Piece Rate 49) Time Rate 50) Halsey Plan |
51. Under ____________ bonus is paid to the workers in proportion to time saved and time allowed.
a) Rowan Plan
b) Halsey Plan
c) Piece Rate
d) Time Rate
52. Under ______________ plan two rates are fixed.
a) Halsey Plan
b) Taylor’s Piece Rate
c) Rowan Plan
d) None of the above
53. Under _________ plan three piece rates are fixed.
a) Merrick Differencial Piece Rate
b) Taylor’s Different Piece Rate
c) Co-partnership
d) Bedeaux plan
54. ___________ plan does not penalise the workers who produces below standard output.
a) Taylor’s Different Piece Rate
b) Merrick Differential Piece Rate
c) Rowan Plan
d) None of the above
55. Under Halsey Premium Plan, ________ % of time saved is shared by employer.
a) 110
b) 115
c) 50
d) 120
56. A worker has a time rate of ` 15 per hour. He makes 720 units of a component (standard time 5 minutes per unit) in a week of 48 hours. His total wages including Rowan Bonus for the week is ________.
a) 792
b) 820
c) 840
d) 864
57. The standard time required per unit of a product is 20 minutes. In a day of 8 working hours, a worker gives an output of 30 units. If he gets a time rate of ` 20 per hour, his total earnings under Halsey Plan was ________
a) 200
b) 192
c) 180
d) 160
58. The standard time required per unit of a product is 20 minutes. In a day of 8 working hours a worker gives an output of 30 units. If he gets a time rate of ` 20 per hour his total earning under Halsey bonus scheme is ____
a) 200
b) 192
c) 180
d) 160
59. A worker is allowed 60 hours to complete a job on a guaranteed wage of ` 10 per hour. He completes the job in 48 hours. How much will he under Halsey Plan?
a) 540
b) 450
c) 640
d) 700
60. Standard time per piece is 12 minutes normal rate per hour (in 8 hours a day) ` 20. Mr. A produced 37 units this earning under Taylor’s differential piece plan is __________
a) 122.84
b) 125
c) 130
d) 140
Answer: 51) Rowan Plan 52) Taylor’s Piece Rate 53) Merrick Differencial Piece Rate 54) Merrick Differencial Piece Rate 55) 50 56) 864 57) 180 58) 180 59) 540 60) 122.84 |
61. __________ time is paid by the employer.
a) Idle Time
b) Overtime
c) Normal time
d) Abnormal time
62. Idle time is caused by ___________ .
a) Power Failure
b) Machine breakdown
c) Waiting for work
c) All of the above
63. Normal Idle Time wages are charged to _____________ overheads.
a) Direct
b) Indirect
c) Factory
d) None of the above
64. __________ time causes excess labour cost.
a) Over Time
b) Idle Time
c) Normal time
d) Abnormal time
65. Time spent to overcome fatigue is ____________.
a) Normal
b) Abnormal
c) Over
d) None of the above
66. Machine setting time is __________ idle time.
a) Normal
b) Abnormal
c) Over
d) None of the above
67. Traveling time from one job to another job is __________ idle time.
a) Normal
b) Abnormal
c) Over
d) None of the above
68. Machine breakdown is _________ idle rate.
a) Over
b) Normal
c) Abnormal
d) None of the above
69. Power failure is _________ idle time.
a) Over
b) Normal
c) Abnormal
d) None of the above
70. Overtime premium increases _________ of plant & machinery.
a) Balance sheet
b) Depreciation
c) Financial P & L A/c
d) Costing P & L A/c
Answer: 61) Idle Time 62) Power Failure 63) Factory 64) Over Time 65) Normal 66) Normal 67) Normal 68) Abnormal 69) Abnormal 70) Depreciation |
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