Marketing Decisions 2 MCQ (Marketing Mix, Packaging, Pricing) | 50 Free MCQs

Marketing Decisions 2 MCQ

Marketing Decisions 2 MCQ
Marketing Decisions 2 MCQ

1. A ………………….. of distribution is the route taken by the title to the product as it moves from the producer to the ultimate consumer or industrial user.
a. highway
b. Canal
c. Channel
d. Place

2. A ……………… level channel is one in which there are no intermediaries.
a. Zero
b. One
c. Two
d. Three

3. …………….. can be defined as “the element in an organization’s marketing mix that serves to inform, persuade and remind the market of a product and/or the organization selling it, in hope of influencing the recipients feelings, beliefs or behavior.”
a. Place
b. Price
c. Promotion
d. Product

4. ……………. is defined as “Any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods and services by an identified sponsor.
a. Personal Selling
b. Sales Promotion
c. Direct Marketing
d. Advertising

5. ………………… is the personal communication of information, to persuade someone to buy something.
a. Personal Selling
b. Sales Promotion
c. Direct Marketing
d. Advertising

6. American marketing association defines …………….. management as the planning, direction and control of the personal selling including recruiting, selecting, equipping, assigning, routing, supervising, paying, and motivating as these tasks apply to the personal sales force.
a. Marketing
b. Production
c. Sales
d. Operational

7. ………………… are the short term incentives like discounts, samples, etc to stimulate demand for the product.
a. Personal Selling
b. Sales Promotion
c. Direct Marketing
d. Advertising

8. …………… Promotional tools are those tools that are directed towards the ultimate consumer.
a. Trade
b. Sales Force
c. Consumer
d. Intermediaries

9. ……………….. promotional tools are promotional tools directed towards the intermediaries like the wholesalers and retailers in order to motivate them to stock the manufacturer’s brand and resell it to the consumers.
a. Trade
b. Sales Force
c. Consumer
d. Intermediaries

10. ………………. promotion tools are useful in gathering the business leads , motivating sales force to greater effort and to aggressively push the product in the market to increase sales.
a. Trade
b. Sales Force
c. Consumer
d. Intermediaries

Answers: 1)Channel 2)Zero 3)Promotion 4)Advertising 5)Personal Selling 6)Sales 7)Sales Promotion 8)Consumer 9)Trade 10)Sales Force

11. ……………….. involve a variety of programmes designed to promote or protect the company’s image or its individual products
a. Personal Selling
b. Sales promotion
c. Direct Marketing
d. Public Relations

12. Marketing channels form a sub variable of …………… mix.
a. Place
b. Price
c. Promotion
d. Product

13. Marketing …………….. creates time, place and possession utilities.
a. Plan
b. Department
c. Channels
d. Idea

14. Promotion mix is also called as …………… mix.
a. Place
b. Communication
c. Price
d. Marketing

15. ………………… selling is used in case of complex and expensive products and in markets with fewer buyers.
a. Aggressive
b. Forceful
c. Public
d. Personal

16. The ………… of the promotion campaign affects the selection of the promotion tools the most.
a. Time
b. Duration
c. Extent
d. Objectives

17. Advertising is …………… in nature
a. Non-Personal
b. Personal
c. Special
d. Private

18. …………… awards are given to those customers who are loyal to the organization and its products.
a. Jury
b. National
c. State
d. Patronage

19. A ……………. is an assurance given about the quality of a product sold.
a. Promise
b. Warranty
c. Statement
d. Logo

20. In …………….. companies sell their products directly to the consumers by eliminating intermediaries from the channel of distribution.
a. Personal Selling
b. Sales Promotion
c. Direct Marketing
d. Public Relation

Answers: 11)Public Relations 12)Place 13)Channels 14)Communication 15)Personal 16)Objectives 17)Non-Personal 18)Patronage 19)Warranty 20)Direct Marketing

21. ……………. refers to extra incentives that the channel intermediaries get to stock and promote the products.
a. Push commission
b. Pull incentives
c. Extra Credit period

22. The main objective of advertising is to ……………… .
a. Create awareness
b. increase sales
c. increase profits

23. ……………. involves preparing and placing attractive displays of a new product.
a. Salesmanship
b. Merchandising
c. Sales Promotion

24. …………………. system takes place when two or more stages of a distribution channel are combined and managed by one firm.
a. Third Party Logistics
b. Horizontal Marketing
c. Vertical Marketing

25. ……………. is a form of consumer-oriented promotion techniques.
a. Exchange offers
b. Trade discount
c. Dealer conferences

26. …………….. facilitates detailed information to the prospective customers.
a. Trade Fairs
b. Sponsorship
c. Advertising

27. ……………, channel is also called as ‘zero-level marketing channel.
a. Indirect
b. Direct
c. Multi-level

28. ………………… marketing system is an arrangement whereby two or more firms at the same level join together for marketing purposes to capitalize on a new opportunity.
a. Horizontal
b. Vertical
c. Multi-level
d. None of the above

29. ……………… helps in protecting the goods from damage during transportation.
a. Packaging
b. Tracking
c. Insurance

30. …………… is an unpaid form of promotion mix.
a. Publicity
b. Advertising
c. Salesmanship

Answer: 21)Push commission 22)Create awareness 23)Merchandising 24)Vertical Marketing 25)Exchange offers 26)Trade Fairs 27)Direct 28)Horizontal 29)Packaging 30)Publicity

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