50+ MCQ’s On Visual Basic | Computer Systems and Applications
MCQ’s On Visual Basic

1. ____ icon is not available on a toolbox.
(a) Form
(b) Label
(c) Text Box
(d) Check Box
2. Remark statement starts with _____
(a) *
(b) /
(c) `
(d) /*
3. Object name can be maximum of _____ characters.
(a) 255
(b) 30
(c) 40
(d) 256
4. Prefix used for a Check box is _____
(a) chk
(b) che
(c) chc
(d) chb
5. Prefix used for a Command Button is _____
(a) com
(b) cob
(c) cmm
(d) cmd
6. Prefix used for a Form is _____
(a) for
(b) frm
(c) fra
(d) fom
7. Prefix used for a Frame is _____
(a) fra
(b) frm
(c) fre
(d) fam
8 Prefix used for a Label is _____
(a) lab
(b) lbe
(c) lbl
(d) lal
9 Prefix used for an Option Button is _____
(a) opb
(b) obu
(c) opn
(d) opt
10. Prefix used for a Text Box is _____
(a) txt
(b) tex
(c) teb
(d) tbo
Answers: 1-a, 2-c, 3-c, 4-a, 5-d, 6-b, 7-a, 8-c, 9-d, 10-a |
11. Which of the following is not a valid property of a Form?
(a) Name
(b) Caption
(c) Text
(d) ForeColor
12. Which of the following is not a valid property of a Label?
(a) Name
(b) Caption
(c) Text
(d) ForeColor
13. Which of the following is not a valid property of a Text Box?
(a) Name
(b) Caption
(c) Text
(d) ForeColor
14. of the following is not a valid property of a Command Button?
(a) Name
(b) Caption
(c) Text
(d) ForeColor
15. Which of the following is not a valid property of a Frame?
(a) Name
(b) Caption
(c) Text
(d) Enabled
16. Which of the following is not a valid property of a Check Box?
(a) Name
(b) Caption
(c) Text
(d) Enabled
17. Which of the following is not a valid property of an Option Button?
(a) Name
(b) Caption
(c) Text
(d) Enabled
18. Which of the following is not a valid property of a Command Button?
(a) Default
(b) Caption
(c) Text
(d) Cancel
19. If ______ property of a Command button is set to True then by pressing ‘Esc’ key from the keyboard the Command get selected automatically
(a) Default
(b) Caption
(c) Cancel
(d) TabIndex
20. If ______ property of a Command button is set to True then by pressing ‘Enter’ key from the keyboard the Command get selected automatically
(a) Default
(b) Caption
(c) Cancel
(d) TabIndex
Answers: 11-c, 12-c, 13-b, 14-c, 15-c, 16-c, 17-c, 18-c, 19-c, 20-a |
21. ______ property determines whether the focus stops on a control when a Tab key is pressed.
(a) Default
(b) TabStop
(c) Cancel
(d) TabIndex
22. ______ property determines the order of the focus to move as the Tab key is pressed.
(a) Default
(b) TabStop
(c) Cancel
(d) TabIndex
23. To define access key, ___ symbol is used before the character you want as access keywhile setting caption property of a Command Button.
(a) $
(b) %
(c) ^
(d) &
24. Which arithmetic operator is used for integer division.
(a) /
(b) \
(c) %
25. Which arithmetic operator is used for exponentiation.
(a) /
(b) \
(c) %
(d) ^
26. What is the result of VAL(“1,234”)?
(a) 1
(b) 0
(c) 1234
(d) 123
27. What is the result of VAL(“1234”)?
(a) 1
(b) 0
(c) 123
(d) 1234
28. What is the result of VAL(“A123”)?
(a) 1
(b) 0
(c) 1234
(d) 123
29. What is the result of VAL(“15.08.2020”)?
(a) 15
(b) 15.08
(c) 0
(d) 15.08.2020
30. What is the result of VAL(“15/08/2020”)?
(a) 15
(b) 15/08
(c) 0
(d) 15/08/2020
Answers: 21-b, 22-d, 23-d, 24-b, 25-d, 26-a, 27-d, 28-b, 29-b, 30-a |
31. Which of the following is an invalid Data Type in VB?
(a) integer
(b) string
(c) single
(d) smallint
32. vbRed is ____ .
(a) VB Colour
(b) VB Color
(c) Colour
(d) Intrinsic Constant
33. Which of the following is not a valid logical operator in VB.
(a) And
(b) Or
(c) Xor
(d) Not
34. ______ control can be used to accept input from the user.
(a) Label
(b) Form
(c) Text Box
(d) Frame
35. Which of the following is a non-executable statement in VB?
(a) IF
(b) DIM
(c) Assignment Statement
(d) Do… While
36. The constant which are readymade in VB are called as _______ constant.
(a) Numeric
(b) String
(c) Named
(d) Intrinsic
37. The constant which are defined by user is known as _____ constant.
(a) Numeric
(b) String
(c) Named
(d) Intrinsic
38. Which of the following function is invalid in VB?
(a) LEFT( )
(b) LOWER( )
(c) MID( )
(d) LEN( )
39. ____ function is used to convert a text value to a numeric value.
(a) UCASE( )
(b) LCASE( )
(c) VAL( )
(d) LEN( )
40. Option buttons are also called as _______ buttons.
(a) Check
(b) Radio
(c) Round
(d) Select
Answers: 31-d, 32-d, 33-c, 34-c, 35-b, 36-d, 37-c, 38-b, 39-c, 40-b |
41. _____ can be used in an application to give user True/False or Yes/No Option
(a) Option Button
(b) Check Box
(c) Text Box
(d) Label
42. _____ allows the user to select any number of options at a time from a group.
(a) Option Button
(b) Check Box
(c) Text Box
(d) Label
43. _____ allows the use to select only one option at a time from a group.
(a) Option Button
(b) Check Box
(c) Text Box (d) Label
44. _____ is used to display headings and messages.
(a) Option Button
(b) Check Box
(c) Text Box
(d) Label
45. _______ property of a Text Box is True then user cannot type anything in a Text Box.
(a) Text
(b) Locked
(c) Name
(d) BackColor
46. _______ statement cannot be used to create a loop.
(a) Do – While
(b) For – Next
(c) While – Wend
(d) If – Else
47. For I = 10 To 20 …. Next I, will execute a loop _____ time/s.
(a) 10
(b) 11
(c) 0
(d) 1
48. For I = 1 To 20 Step 2…. Next I, will execute a loop _____ time/s.
(a) 10
(b) 20
(c) 0
(d) 1
49. For I = 10 To 1…. Next I, will execute a loop _____ time/s.
(a) 10
(b) 20
(c) 0
(d) 1
50. For I = 10 To 1 Step -1…. Next I, will execute a loop _____ time/s.
(a) 10
(b) 20
(c) 0
(d) 1
Answers: 41-b, 42-b, 43-a, 44-d, 45-b, 46-d, 47-b, 48-a, 49-c, 50-a |