Difference Between Dividend and Interest (7 Points) | Important Article

Difference Between Dividend and Interest

Difference Between Dividend and Interest
Difference Between Dividend and Interest

Meaning of Dividend

It is that part of the profits of the company which is distributed amongst its shareholders. Dividend is ‘a share in distributable profits of the company to which the shareholder is entitled when it is formally declared b the company.’


The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India has defined Dividend as, “a distribution to shareholders out of profits or reserves available for this purpose.

Meaning of Interest

In financial terms, it is a payment made for using money of another. i.e. Borrower takes money from the lender.
So interest is the cost of renting money, for the borrower and it is the income from lending money for the lender.

Difference Between Dividend and Interest

1) MeaningDividend is the return payable to
the shareholders of the company
for their investment in the share
It is the return payable to the
creditors of the company viz.
Debenture holder / Deposit
holders for the loan given b
them to the company.
2) Given to whomIt is paid to the member i.e. the
owners of the company.
It is paid to the creditor of the
3) ObligationIt is to be paid only when
company has made profits.
Therefore no obligation /
compulsion to pay dividend.
It is not linked to the profits of
the company. Payment of interest
is an obligation and is to be paid
by the company compulsorily.
4) When PayableIt is payable when a company
earns sufficient profit in a year
after fulfilling all obligations.
It is payable every year
irrespective of the profits of the
5) RateIt is paid at a fluctuating rate
to the equity shareholders since
it is linked to the profits of
Rate of interest is fixed and pre-
determined at the time of issue
of the security.
6) ResolutionPayment of Final Dividend
requires a Board resolution and
an ordinary resolution at the
AGM while Interim Dividend
can be paid b passing only a
Board Resolution.
Payment of interest does not
require passing of a resolution
at any meeting.
7) Accounting Treatment / AspectDividend is an appropriation of
Interest is a charge on profit.

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