Macro Economic Overview of India MCQ | 65 Free MCQs
Macro Economic Overview of India MCQ

1. LPG means…….
a. Liberalization, Personalization and Globalisation
b. Localisation Personalisation Globalisation
c. Liberalization Privatization Globalization
d. None of the above
2. The main strategy adopted in the NIP, 1991 ……….
a. Liberalization
b. Privatization
c. Globalisation
d. All the above
3. New Economic Policy 1991 was introduced on ……….
a. 24th July 1991
b. 24th January 1991
c. 24th July 1990
d. 26th January 1991
4. Removal of government restrictions is called …………….
a. Liberalization
b. Investment
c. Unfavorable trade
d. None of the above
5. New Economic Policy 1991 was launched by ……………
a. Mr. Deve Gowda
b. Mr. Narsimha Rao
c. Mr. V P Singh
d. Mr. Manmohan Singh
6. ……… refers to transfer of ownership of an industry from the public to private sector.
a. Liberalization
b. Privatization
c. Globalisation
d. None of the above
7. Under the New Economic Policy import licensing was abolished except in case of ………..
a. Textile industries
b. IT industries
c. Consumer goods industries
d. Hazardous chemicals industries
8. India has adopted …….. policy of economic development since 1991
a. Liberal
b. Restrictive
c. Both (a) & (b)
d. None of the above
9. ……. Refers to the interaction of the domestic economy with rest of the world.
a. Liberalization
b. Privatization
c. Globalization
d. None of the above
10. New Economic Policy was adopted in ………
a. 1991
b. 1992
c. 1990
d. 2011
Answers: 1)Liberalization Privatization Globalization 2)All the above 3)24th July 1991 4)Liberalization 5)Mr. Narsimha Rao 6)Privatization 7)Hazardous chemicals industries 8)Liberal 9)Globalization 10)1991 |
11. The New Economic Policy introduced reforms in ………
a. Industrial sector
b. Banking sector
c. Both (a) & (b)
d. None of the above
12. Social infrastructure aims at ……….
a. Investing in human capital
b. Promoting education for all
c. Good quality of life
d. All the above
13. A scheme for promoting residential school for girls at the elementary level is called …….
a. Mid-day meal
b. Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya
c. Model School Scheme
d. None of the above
14. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan was launched in the year ……..
a. 1991-92
b. 2003-04
c. 2001-02
d. 1995-96
15. Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana was launched in the year ……..
a. 2008
b. 2010
c. 2017
d. 2015
16. RMSA is a program for …….
a. Improving quality in Higher education
b. Improving quality in Secondary education
c. Improving health standard
d. None of the above
17. RUSA is a program for …….
a. Improving quality in Higher education
b. Improving quality in Secondary education
c. Improving health standard
d. None of the above
18. Sustainable Development Goals came into effect from ………
a. January 2016
b. July 2000
c. Sept. 2015
d. June 1991
19. Which of the SDGs is not for India?
a. Ending poverty
b. Ending hunger
c. Building infrastructure
d. Economic prosperity
20. ………. Has been given the responsibility of coordinating the SDGs in India.
a. Private sector
b. Central government
c. Finance ministry
d. NITI aayog
Answers: 11)Both (a) & (b) 12)All the above 13)Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya 14)2001-02 15)2008 16) Improving quality in Secondary education 17)Improving quality in Higher education 18)Sept., 2015 19)Economic prosperity 20)NITI aayog |
21. Which of the following is the best example of a multinational enterprise?
a. The US post office
b. A large pharmaceutical company
c. A British rail company
d. A local health company
22. The Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) was set up in ………
a. Early 1990
b. Mid 2014
c. End of 2000
d. 1991
23. The FIPB was abolished in …….
a. 2014
b. 2017
c. 2015
d. 2000
24. Which of the following is not the benefit of FDI?
a. Sectorial development
b. Dependency
c. Employment generation
d. Transfer of technology
25. Which of the following is the merit of FDI?
a. Increasing employment
b. Goods better quality of goods
c. Sectorial development
d. All the above
26. Which sector received the highest FDI inflow in April-Dec. 2017
a. Banking
b. Finance
c. Consumption
d. Telecommunicatio
27. The highest contribution to FDI in India in April 2017 is from ……
a. Singapore
b. USA
c. UK
d. Mauritius
28. Make in India initiative was launched in …..
a. 2011
b. 2014
c. 2015
d. 2019
29. Invest India was set up in …….
a. 2000
b. 2005
c. 2010
d. 2015
30. The Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) was created in Nov2014 to drive the ……….. Agenda.
a. Fab India
b. Incredible India
c. Skill India
d. None of the above
Answer: 21)A large pharmaceutical company 22)1991 23)2017 24)Dependency 25)All the above 26)Telecommunication 27)Singapore 28)2014 29)2010 30)Skill India |
31. Which of the following is not among the foreign investment measures in India?
a. FDI
b. FIIs
c. SLR
d. Global Depository Receipts (GDRs).
32. Which among the following is not the benefits of FDI?
a. Transfer of new technology
b. contribution to BOPs
c. family welfare
d. Human capital development
33. Which among the following is not the cost of FDI?
a. corruption
b. disturbance in domestic plans
c. attack on sovereignty and autonomy
d. social and cultural impact
34. Which among the following is not the advantage of MNCs?
a. Direct employment
b. Indirect employment
c. Cultural development
d. FDI
35. Which among the following is not the disadvantage of MNCs?
a. Profits repatriated in foreign exchange
b. FDI
c. Environmental damage
d. Loss of revenue
36. Since 1951 India has been a ……. Economy
a. Socialist
b. Mixed
c. Capitalist
d. Feudal
37. The fiscal crisis faced by the Indian econom in 1990s was caused by ………
a. Widening gap between imports and exports
b. Difference between savings and investments
c. Widening gap between government expenditure and revenue
d. Difference between aggregate demand and aggregate supply
38. Which of the following factors was one of the primary causes of the balance of payments crisis in 1991?
a. Low rate of inflation
b. Surplus budget
c. High interest rate
d. Rising oil prices
39. Which of the following sentences would best describe Indian economy?
a. High inflation, low foreign exchange reserves
b. Low inflation, low foreign exchange reserves
c. Huge current account deficit, fiscal surplus
d. Current account surplus, huge fiscal deficit
40. Which of the following measures was adopted in 1991 to stabilize the economy?
a. Banking sector reforms
b. Capital market reforms
c. Control of inflation
d. Insurance reforms
Answer: 31)SLR 32)family welfare 33)corruption 34)Cultural development 35)FDI 36)Mixed 37)Widening gap between government expenditure and revenue 38)Rising oil prices 39)High inflation, low foreign exchange reserves 40)Control of inflation |
41. Structural reforms are ……..
a. Long-term measures
b. Improve the supply side of the economy
c. Remove growth bottlenecks
d. All the above
42. Which of the following was not the feature of New Industrial Policy 1991?
a. Abolition of industrial licensing
b. Setting up of new public sector enterprises
c. Permitted foreign investment
d. Removal of MRTP limit
43. Which of the following measures did not form a part of fiscal correction in 1991?
a. Increasing tax collection
b. Cutting down subsidies
c. Reducing budgetary support to public enterprises
d. Raising tax rates
44. Which of the following is an important banking sector reform introduced in 1991?
a. Raising SLR and CRR
b. RBI determined interest rates
c. Introduction of prudential norms
d. None of the above
45. Capital adequacy norms help to ……
a. Increase bank’s profits
b. Maintain financial stability
c. Control of inflation
d. Reduce balance of payments deficit
46. The FDI limit in the insurance sector in India is
a. 100%
b. 74%
c. 49%
d. 26%
47. According to the Human Development Report 2019, India’s HDI rank is ….. among 188 countries
a. 129
b. 125
c. 141
d. 120
48. Which of the following is not true of the Right to Education act?
a. Free education to all children between 6 and 14 years
b. It was enacted in2009
c. It is an adult literacy program
d. It is aimed at providing quality elementary education
49. Communit health centers are located at the …. Level of public health infrastructure
a. Primary
b. Secondary
c. Tertiary
d. None of the above
50. AIIMS are at the …….. level of public health infrastructure
a. Primary
b. Secondary
c. Tertiary
d. None of the above
Answer: 41)All the above 42)Setting up of new public sector enterprises 43)Raising tax rates 44)Introduction of prudential norms 45)Maintain financial stability 46)74% 47)129 48)It is an adult literacy program 49)Secondary 50)Tertiary |
51. The ……… provides a reference point for the functioning of the public health centers
a. Indian Public Health standards
b. Indian Public Health guidelines
c. Indian Public Health manual
d. Indian Public Health rules
52. Which of the following is the program aimed at controlling the spread of communicable diseases?
a. National Oral Health Program
b. National mental Health Program
c. National TB control Program
d. National Program for prevention and control of deafness
53. ………… is a fund that financiall supports poor patients suffering from major life threatening illnesses.
a. Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana
b. Rashtriya Arogya Nidhi
c. Pradhan mantri Swasthya yojana
d. All the above
54. Which of the following statement best describes economic development?
a. It always accompanies economic growth
b. It indicates the increase in GDP
c. It is reflected in the quality of life of the people
d. It is a quantitative concept
55. Which of the following is not included in UNDP’s HDI composite?
a. Culture
b. Education
c. Health
d. Standard of living
56. Sustainable development includes which of the following?
a. Economic development
b. Social development
c. Environmental development
d. All the above
57. …….. is responsible for coordinating the SDGs in India
a. Planning Commission
b. Ministry of Human Resources Development
c. NITI Aayog
d. Ministry of Finance
58. ……… is an initiative to make India a manufacturing hub.
a. Skill India
b. NITI aayog
c. Invest India
d. Make in India
59. The scheme for skill training of youth to be implemented through the national Skill Development Corporation is …………
a. National Skill Development Mission
b. Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana
c. Skill Loan Scheme
d. All the above
60. Which of the following statements best defines FDI
a. buying shares of companies in a foreign country without gaining control over management
b. loans from multilateral institutions like IMF and World Bank
c. investment in foreign assets to acquire lasting business interest
d. foreign currency deposits of NRIs
Answer: 51)Indian Public Health standards 52)National TB control Program 53)Rashtriya Arogya Nidhi 54)It is reflected in the quality of life of the people 55)Culture 56)All the above 57)NITI Aayog 58)Make in India 59)Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana 60)investment in foreign assets to acquire lasting business interest |
61. Which of the following constitutes foreign direct investment?
a. Purchase of stocks
b. Reinvestment of earnings by a wholly owned subsidiary abroad
c. Lending of funds to a foreign subsidiary
d. All the above
62. Which of the following sectors has received the highest FDI equity investment in India during April-December 2017?
a. Retail
b. Telecommunication
c. Banking
d. software
63. Which country has been the highest source of FDI to India during April-December 2020?
a. Japan
b. USA
c. Singapore
d. Mauritius
64. Which of the following was not the part of FDI policy 2017?
a. Strengthening the FIPB
b. Introduction of Foreign Investment Facilitation Poral
c. Introduction of standard operating procedures
d. Issue of convertible notes by start-ups
65. Which of the following is the advantage of TNCs?
a. Direct and indirect employment generation
b. Increased competition
c. Industrial expansion
d. All the above
Answer: 61)All the above 62)Telecommunication 63)Singapore 64)Strengthening the FIPB 65)All the above |