Marketing Decisions MCQ (Marketing Mix, Packaging, Pricing) | 50 Free MCQs
Marketing Decisions MCQ

1. …………. is the term that is used to describe the combination of the four inputs that constitute the core of a company’s marketing system: the product, the price structure, the promotion activities and the distribution system.
a. Customer segmentation
b. Customer relationship
c. Marketing mix
d. Marketing strategy
2. A ……………… can be defined as anything that is offered for sale in the open market.
a. Product
b. Place
c. Price
d. None of the above
3. …………….. includes several sub-variables like product line, product shape, size, colour, ingredients, brand name, trade mark, packaging, labelling, after-sale services, guarantees etc.
a. Price mix
b. Place mix
c. Product mix
d. Promotion mix
4. ……………. is the exchange value of a product.
a. Product
b. Place
c. Price
d. Promotion
5. The ………………… has various sub-variables, such as credit sale, instalment payment, discounts, gifts, terms of credit etc.
a. Price mix
b. Place mix
c. Product mix
d. Promotion mix
6. ………………… includes all the activities undertaken by an organization to promote its products in the target market.
a. Price mix
b. Place mix
c. Product mix
d. Promotion mix
7. ………………… includes sub-variables such as advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, public relation, publicity, direct marketing etc.
a. Price mix
b. Place mix
c. Product mix
d. Promotion mix
8. …………… a marketing expert coined the expression ‘marketing mix’.
a. Philip Kotler
b. William Stanton
c. Henry Fayol
d. James Culliton
9. At the time of market entry low price is charged for the product under the ……………….. ‘price strategy’.
a. Payment
b. Skimming
c. Penetration
d. Mixing
10. Under ………………… the market strategy higher price is charged at the time of introduction.
a. Skimming
b. Venturing
c. Penetrating
d. Piercing
Answers: 1)Marketing mix 2)Product 3)Product mix 4)Price 5)Price mix 6)Promotion mix 7)Promotion mix 8)James Culliton 9)Penetration 10)Skimming |
11. Striking the appropriate marketing mix would obviously …………… the profits of an organization.
a. decrease
b. curtail
c. increase
d. dwindle
12. An appropriate marketing mix helps in achieving ……………. returns with limited resources .
a. minimum
b. maximum
c. marginal
12. An appropriate marketing mix helps in achieving ……………. returns with limited resources.
a. minimum
b. maximum
c. marginal
d. trivial
13. Product …………….. refers to the total number of different products, the organization offers.
a. width
b. length
c. depth
d. consistency
14. Product …………… refers to the total number of items in each product category.
a. width
b. length
c. depth
d. consistency
15. Product ………….. explains the number of variants of each product in the line.
a. width
b. length
c. depth
d. consistency
16. A …………….. is a name and/or mark intended to identify the product of one seller and differentiate the product from competing products.
a. Brand
b. Packaging
c. Label
d. Design
17. A ……………. is the actual container, covering or wrapper to protect the product.
a. Brand
b. Packaging
c. Label
d. Design
18. A ……………. is the part of the product that carries information about the product and the seller.
a. Brand
b. Packaging
c. Label
d. Design
19. Product …………. refers to the arrangement of elements that collectively form a product.
a. Brand
b. Packaging
c. Label
d. Design
20. ………….is a short catchy phrase that communicates information about the brand.
a. Slogans
b. Logo
c. Characters
d. Packaging
Answers: 11)increase 12)maximum 13)width 14)length 15)depth 16) Brand 17)Packaging 18)Label 19)Design 20)Slogans |
21. A …………… is an assurance given by a manufacturer to the buyers that they would be compensated in case the product does not perform up to reasonable expectations.
a. Quality
b. Warranty
c. Colour
d. Design
22. Product mix ………….. means, reducing the number of activities by discontinuing those products, which don’t form the core activities of the company.
a. Expansion
b. Contraction
c. Selection
d. Management
23. During the …………….. stage the product is launched in the market
a. Inception
b. Growth
c. Maturity
d. Decline
24. During ……………… stage, demand for the product as well as profits increase.
a. Inception
b. Growth
c. Maturity
d. Decline
25. ……………. stage is the stage where the demand and sales reach the saturation point.
a. Inception
b. Growth
c. Maturity
d. Decline
26. During the …………….. stage consumers start switching over to other brands.
a. Decline
b. Maturity
c. Growth
d. Inception
27. ……………, when registered, becomes a trademark
a. Brand
b. Product
c. Trademark
d. None of the above
28. …………….. is anything that satisfies people’s needs and wants.
a. Brand
b. Product
c. Trademark
d. None of the above
29. Brand …………….. is a strategy in which a firm uses an existing brand name to introduce a product in a different product category.
a. Extension
b. Positioning
c. Equity
d. Deletion
30. Product ………………. is an act of designing the company’s offering and image to occupy a distinctive place in the minds of the people.
a. Extension
b. Positioning
c. Equity
d. Deletion
Answer: 21)Warranty 22)Contraction 23)Inception 24)Growth 25)Maturity 26)Decline 27)Brand 28)Product 29)Extension 30)Positioning |
31. Brand ………………… is defined as the incremental value of a business above the value of its physical assets due to the market position achieved by its brand and the extension potential of the brand.
a. Extension
b. Positioning
c. Equity
d. Deletion
32. …………….is the exchange value of a product.
a. Profit
b. Price
c. Investment
d. Cost
33. Under Market …………. pricing strategy the manufacturer charges a high price for his product when it is introduced in the market.
a. Penetration
b. Liquidity
c. Image
d. Skimming
34. Under Market ……………….. pricing strategy the manufacturer charges a low price for his product when it is introduced in the market.
a. Penetration
b. Liquidity
c. Image
d. Skimming
35. Under …………….. price strategy, a seller charges the same price to all customers who buy identical quantities of a product.
a. One
b. Single
c. Flexible
d. Odd
36. In ……………… pricing strategy or variable pricing strategy, the manufacturer charges different prices to similar customers.
a. One
b. Single
c. Flexible
d. Odd
37. Under ……………… pricing method, the selling price of the product is arrived at by adding a standard mark-up i.e. margin to the product’s cost.
a. Markup
b. Target returns
c. Perceived value
d. Going rate
38. Under ………….. pricing, the firm determines the price that would fetch its target rate of return on investment.
a. Markup
b. Target returns
c. Perceived value
d. Going rate
39. Redesigning enables ……………… of the brand.
a. positioning
b. repositioning
c. promotion
d. endorsement
40. Product mix ……………. means, reducing the number of activities by discontinuing those products.
a. Management
b. Development
c. Contraction
d. Expansion
Answer: 31)Equity 32)Price 33)Skimming 34)Penetration 35)One 36)Flexible 37)Markup 38)Target returns 39)repositioning 40)Contraction |
41. One of the product strategies followed in ………….. stage may include product modification.
a. Inception
b. Growth
c. Maturity
d. Decline
42. Brand fatigue enters into mind of the customers during ……………… stage.
a. Inception
b. Maturity
c. Decline
d. Growth
43. Brand ……………… is a strategy in which a firm uses an existing brand name is used to introduce a product in a different product category.
a. Introduction
b. Contraction
c. Retrenchment
d. Extension
44. A product is ……………… in the mind of the prospect by highlighting its differences from similar products.
a. Pushed
b. Positioned
c. Extended
d. Pressed
45. If …………… people are aware about the brand then equity would be more.
a. Few
b. intelligent
c. Less
d. More
46. Brand …………… involves purchasing the brand repeatedly over a period of time.
a. Fatigue
b. Transition
c. Loyalty
d. Extension
47. Marketing Mix is influenced by ……………. factors.
a. Social
b. Environmental
c. Political
d. Technological
48. At the introductory stageof PLC, a business firm resorts to creating ……………. .
a. brand awareness
b. brand value
c. brand history
d. brand equity
49. ……………. is a non-personal form of mass communication.
a. Sales promotion
b. Personal selling
c. Advertising
d. Direct marketing
50. Marketing in which goods are environmentally safe is called……………
a. Rural
b. Social
c. Event
d. Green
Answer: 41)Decline 42)Decline 43)Extension 44)Positioned 45)More 46)Loyalty 47)Environmental 48)brand awareness 49)Advertising 50)Green |
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