Trends in Human Resource Management MCQ | 20 Free MCQs
Trends in Human Resource Management MCQ

1. Competence refers to a combination of knowledge, attributes, and ________ which are required to improve work performance.
a) skills
b) feelings
d) opinions
2. Problem solving requires weighing _______ before a final decision is made.
a) alternatives
b) suggestions
c) opinions
3. ________ refers to the general competencies, which are specific to an organization.
a) Core
b) Technical
c) Behavioural
4. ________ popularized the concept of learning organization through his book ‘The Fifth Discipline.
a) Peter Senge
b) Peter Drucker
c) Tom Peters
5. ________ organization provides autonomy to the employees.
a) Innovative
b) Line
c) Matrix
6. Innovative culture is the work ______ that managers encourage to nurture and develop to generate innovative ideas.
a) environment
b) rules
c) ethics
7. Employee _______ is the extent to which employees feel passionate about their jobs and are committed to their work.
a) Engagement
b) recognition
c) satisfaction
8. _________ employees perform what is expected of them and nothing more.
a) Not Engaged
b) Actively engaged
c) Actively disengaged
9. _________ is an integrated system used to gather, store, and analyze information regarding employees.
b) MIS
c) HRP
10. Competency _________ is a process of identifying key competencies required for undertaking organizational tasks.
a) Mapping
b) Scaling
c) Tasking
Answers: (1)skills (2)alternatives (3)Core (4)Peter Senge (5)Innovative (6)environment (7)Engagement (8)Not engaged (9)HRIS (10)Mapping |
11. _________ employment is a system of working for a fixed number of hours with the starting and finishing timings within the agreed limits.
a) Flexitime
b) Temporary
c) Part-time
12. ________ refers to planned elimination of positions or jobs.
a) Downsizing
b) Upsizing
c) Termination
13. __________ guidelines are in respect of prevention of sexual harassment at workplace.
a) Vishakha
b) Apsara
c) Mehrotra
14. Employee ________ refers to a gradual reduction in workforce without firing employees, which takes place as and when workers resign or retire and are not replaced.
a) Attrition
b) Turnover
c) Downsizing
15. Employee _________ involves giving employees the autonomy to take right decisions.
a) Empowerment
b) Engagement
c) Education
16. Generation _________ includes persons born between 1979 and 1999.
a) Y
b) X
c) Z
Answers: (11)Flexitime (12)Downsizing (13)Vishakha (14)Attrition (15)Empowerment (16)Y |