Export Distribution and Promotion MCQ | 25 Free MCQs on Export Marketing
Export Distribution and Promotion MCQ

1. _________ is a longer channel of distribution in export business.
(a) Direct channel
(b) Indirect channel
(c) Latitudinal channel
(d) Longitudinal channel
2. ________ helps to distribute export goods only through government agencies.
(a) Co-operatives
(b) Canalizing Agencies
(c) Customs Officials
(d) Consortiums
3. _________ distribution channel reduces per unit cost of the product in export business.
(a) Direct
(b) Indirect
(c) Variance distribution
(d) Binomial distribution
4. Logistics in export marketing does not cover _______ aspect.
(a) Packaging
(b) Warehousing
(c) Material handling
(d) Advertising
5. _______ helps to co-ordinate moving of resources with the help of people, equipment and technology.
(a) Logistics
(b) Human Resource Management
(c) Marketing
(d) Research
6. _______ covers financial risks in export business.
(a) Insurance
(b) Transportation
(c) Communication
(d) Warehousing
7. ________ is the most convenient and cost effective mode of transport in export business.
(a) Roadways
(b) Railways
(c) Seaways
(d) Airways
8. _________ is not an element of promotion.
(a) Publicity
(b) Sales Promotion
(c) Sponsorship
(d) Product
9. ________ is a sales promotion tool.
(a) Discounts
(b) Premium price
(c) Perceived product
(d) Sponsorship
10. Trade fairs and exhibitions help the exporters in _______ .
(a) buying import products
(b) promoting export products
(c) exploring new markets
(d) developing new products
Answers: 1)Indirect channel 2)Canalizing Agencies 3)Direct 4)Advertising 5)Logistics 6)Insurance 7)Seaways 8)Product 9)Discounts 10)promoting export products |
11. Personal selling is also known as _______ .
(a) Salesmanship
(b) Sponsorship
(c) Sales-Promotion
(d) Public Relations
12. _______ is a paid form of non-personal presentation of export goods by the exporter.
(a) Packaging
(b) Publicity
(c) Advertising
(d) Sales Promotion
13. _________ insurance is covered by Marine Insurance Act, 1963.
(a) Marine
(b) Life
(c) Medical
(d) Health
14. _________ premium helps to cover risks occurred due to perils of the sea.
(a) Marine
(b) Price
(c) Freight
(d) Port
15. ________ is not a marine insurance policy.
(a) Hull insurance
(b) Time insurance
(c) Voyage plan
(d) Umbrella insurance
16. ________ is a warehousing type that holds zero-inventory, where products are received, processed and shipped to exporting countries.
(a) Cross-docking
(b) Near-shore
(c) Off-shore
(d) Horizontal
17. _________ is a group of exporters who form trading association for mutual distribution benefits.
(a) Canalizing agency
(b) Consortium
(c) State Corporation
(d) Manufacturing exporters
18. __________ is a promotion element that uses short term tactic to persuade the importers to make purchases.
(a) Trade fairs and exhibitions
(b) Sponsorships
(c) Sales-promotion
(d) Salesmanship
19. _________ characteristics influence the choice of distribution channels in export marketing.
(a) Customer
(b) Global
(c) Employee Morale
20. Under ________ marketing, the manufacturer makes own arrangement to distribute the goods.
(a) Indirect
(b) Direct
(c) Regional
Answers: 11)Salesmanship 12)Advertising 13)Marine 14)Marine 15)Umbrella insurance 16)Cross-docking 17)Consortium 18)Sales-promotion 19)Customer 20)Direct |
21. One star export house has to achieve export performance of FOB worth ________ US $ million during the current year and previous two years.
(a) 25
(b) 100
(c) 3
22. ________ refers to quality of service which a firm provides to its customers.
(a) Customer Order Processing
(b) Customer Service Standards
(c) Customer Feedback
23. A _________ warehouse keeps the products for a relatively long period of time.
(a) Storage
(b) Distribution
(c) Bonded
24. ________ refers to the amount of space available for storing materials on a ship or on a plane.
(a) Storage
(b) Logistics
(c) Stowage
25. ________ risks takes place on account of insolvency of the buyer.
(a) Political
(b) Commercial
(c) Legal
26. _______ is an example of consumer oriented sales promotion technique.
(a) Free Sample
(b) Trade Discounts
(c) Performance Incentives
27. Participation in ________ helps in demonstrating the product to the prospective customers.
(a) Sports Events
(b) Trade Fairs
(c) Dramas
28. _________ helps in obtaining leads of prospective buyers.
(a) Advertising
(b) Publicity
(c) Personal Selling
Answers: 21)3 22)Customer Service Standards 23)Storage 24)Commercial 25)Free Sample 26)Trade Fairs 27)Personal Selling |