Export Finance MCQ | 25 Free MCQs on Export Marketing
Export Finance MCQ

1. ________ goods are sold on deferred credit basis.
(a) Capital
(b) Consumer
(c) FMCG
(d) Deferred
2. The main purpose of packing credit is to meet ______ capital needs of exporters.
(a) Fixed
(b) Working
(c) Regular
(d) Interim
3. A major part of export finance is provided by ________ banks.
(a) commercial
(b) agricultural
(c) industrial
(d) co-operative
4. _______ finances Indian joint ventures in foreign countries.
(a) EXIM
(d) ECGC
5. ________ has its head office in Lucknow.
(b) RBI
(c) EXIM
(d) EPC
6. ________ provides finance to entrepreneurs for setting up tourism related activities.
(b) ECGC
(c) EPCG
(d) EPC
7. SIDBI provide direct finance to obtain _________ certification.
(a) ISO 9000
(b) Quality
(c) ISI
(d) Six-sigma
8. Political risks can be covered under _______ policies.
(a) ECGC
(b) LIC
(c) RBI
(d) Marine
9. ________ backs the lending programme of banks, by issuing financial guarantees.
(a) ECGC
(b) EPCG
(c) LIC
(d) CoC
10. There are high risks in ________ payment method.
(a) Advance payment
(b) LC
(c) Open account
(d) Bills of exchange
Answers: 1)Capital 2)Working 3)commercial 4)EXIM 5)SIDBI 6)SIDBI 7)ISO 9000 8)ECGC 9)ECGC 10)Open account |
11. Packing credit is also known as ________ finance.
(a) pre-shipment
(b) post-shipment
(c) capital
(d) fixed
12. _______ refers to export trade for which export proceeds are received in form of other products in exchange of forex.
(a) Countertrade
(b) Entrepot
(c) Position trade
(d) Swing trade
13. EXIM finances _______ term loans.
(a) Long
(b) Short
(c) Fixed
(d) Micro
14. ECGC is owned and governed by ________ .
(a) Government of India
(b) Cooperatives
(c) Traders
(d) Corporations
15. SIDBI provides _________ .
(a) Pre-shipment finance
(b) Post-shipment finance
(c) Financing bank schemes
(d) All of the above
16. Which among the following is not a type of LC ?
(a) Advance payment
(b) Revocable
(c) Confirmed
(d) Transferable LC
17. _______ LC cannot be modified or cancelled without the consent of the exporter.
(a) Revocable
(b) Irrevocable
(c) Stand-by
(d) Back-to-back
18. _______ LC is the safest LC in export business.
(a) Confirmed
(b) Revocable
(c) Unconfirmed
(d) Non-transferable
19. _________ is a negotiable instrument that provides payment to the exporter.
(a) Bills of exchange
(b) Bills of shipping
(c) Bills of invoice
(d) Bills in trade
20. Period of pre-shipment finance is _______ days.
(a) 45
(b) 90
(c) 180
(d) 360
Answers: 11)pre-shipment 12)Countertrade 13)Long 14)Government of India 15)All of the above 16)Advance payment 17)Irrevocable 18)Confirmed 19)Bills of exchange 20)180 |
21. ________ finance is also referred to as packing credit.
(a) Pre-shipment
(b) Post-shipment
(c) Long-term
22. Post-shipment finance is generally available for a period of _______ days.
(a) 180
(b) 360
(c) 90
23. _______ provides medium term and long term export finance to small units.
(a) EXIM Bank
(c) ECGC
24. Packing credit is generally provided for a period of _______ days.
(a) 90
(b) 180
(c) 380
25. _________ is the safest method of payment in international trade.
(a) Documents against Acceptance
(b) Deferred credit
(c) Letter of credit
26. Generally, there are ________ parties involved in letter of credit.
(a) 6
(b) 3
(c) 2
27. Under ________ method, the documents are released to the importer against payment of bills.
(a) Documents against Acceptance
(b) Letter of Credit
(c) Documents against Payment
28. ________ covers credit risks of the exporters.
(a) ECGC
(b) EXIM Bank
(c) Marine Insurance
29. ________ policy of ECGC covers risks in the case of consumer goods.
(a) Specific
(b) Standard
(c) Services
30. Commercial risks include ________ .
(a) risks due to war
(b) insolvency of the buyer
(c) risks due cancellation of import licence
Answers: 21)Pre-shipment 22)90 23)SIDBI 24)180 25)Letter of credit 26)6 27)Documents against Payment 28)ECGC 29)Standard 30)insolvency of the buyer |