Nature of Principle of Management | Free Management Blogs
Nature of Principle of Management

Nature of Principle of Management
Management principles are formed to guide and influence the behavior of employees. These principles insist on improving efficiency of organizational resources in terms of profit. These principles also focus on best coordination between superior, subordinates and all the members of organization.
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The nature of Principle of Management is given below:
1) Universal application
The principles of management are universal in nature. That means they can be applied to all types of organizations, irrespective of their size and nature. Their results may vary and application may be modified but these are suitable for all kinds of organizations. Similarly, they are applicable to all levels of management.
2) General guidelines
Management principles provide general guidelines in tackling organizational situations wisely as well as in solving problems. They are not rigid. Which management principles are to be applied depends upon the situation, size and nature of organisation. For example, when we say fair remuneration, then the term ‘fair’ can vary as per the nature, size and financial condition of the organisation.
3) Principles are formed by practice and experiments
The management principles are developed gradually with thorough research work. Systematic observations and experiments are conducted before developing them. The results of such experiments have been developed as a principle after its practice in organizations.
4) Flexibility
Management principles are flexible in nature. It means they can be changed or modified according to the situation. Managers can be flexible while implementing principles to suit the requirement. The business situations keep on changing. Management principles can be adjusted or modified and can be used in the organisation according to its need.
5) Behavioral in nature
Management is group activity. Management aims at achieving certain goal through a group of human being. Management principles are designed to influence human beings. These principles control a group of persons and direct them to achieve the objectives.
6) Cause and effect relationship
Principles of management are the base for taking decisions. They determine the cause or reason for particular effect. For example, payment of good wages and incentives helps in increasing the output of workers or making effective advertisement increases the sale of a product.]
7) All principles are of equal importance
All principles of management are of equal importance. Those are to be practiced simultaneously to get best results in the form of achievement of predefined goals. If any specific principle is focused more and others are not followed with same focus, then it affects the working of organization. Management principles are the principles of social science. The nature of principles of management is not absolute like pure sciences i.e. Chemistry, Mathematics etc. With some modifications according to requirement, organization needs to apply the principles of management.