Agriculture During Post Reform Period MCQ | 65 Free MCQs

11. Price policy mainly benefits………….
a. Small farmers
b. marginal farmers
c. large farmers
d. none of these

12. Agricultural price policy has benefited more …………… farmers.
a. Rich
b. poor
c. both of these
d. none of these

13. The agriculture price policy is necessary to improve terms of trade in favour of……………..
a. Farmers
b. traders c
c. brokers
d. none of these

14. Swaminathan formula suggest procurement price equal to…………….
a. C2+50%
b. C1+50%
c. C4+50%
d. C5+50%

15. ……………. is the price at which government purchases food grains from the farmers.
a. Procurement price
b. MSP
c. Issue price
d. Market price

16. is the price which farmers are assured to receive even when there is glut in the market.
a. Procurement price
b. MSP
c. Issue price
d. Market price

17. ………… is the price at which government supplies food grains at ration shops.
a. Procurement price
b. MSP c
c. Issue price
d. Market price

18. ………….. Price determined by demand and supply.
a. Procurement price
b. MSP
c. Issue price
d. Market price

19. Major part of the agricultural credit is supplied by……………
a. Money lenders
b. commercial banks c
c. co-operative banks
d. none of these

20. Kisan credit card was introduced by…………..
a. RBI
c. Co-operative banks
d. none of these

Answers: 11)large farmers 12)Rich 13)Farmers 14)C2+50% 15)Procurement price 16) MSP 17)Issue price 18)Market price 19)commercial banks 20)NABARD

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