Agriculture During Post Reform Period MCQ | 65 Free MCQs

41. ……………… is the backbone of the Indian economy.
a. Agriculture
b. Industry
c. services
d. none of the above

42. The new agricultural policy was announced in the year…………….
a. 2010
b. 2000
c. 1999
d. none of the above

43. …………….. is not an objective of National Agricultural policy 2000.
a. Growth with equality
b. conserve soil and water
c. efficient use of resources
d. food security

44. The National Agricultural policy aims to achieve agricultural growth rate of…………….
a. 2%
b. 3%
c. 4%
d. 6%

45. The first ever national agricultural policy was announced in…………….
a. 28th July 2000
b. 26th June 2000
c. 28th September 2000
d. none of the above

46. …………… is the limitation of NAP 2000
a. Neglects small and marginal farmers
b. fails to cover all states
c. both a and b
d. none of the above

47. Agricultural prices in India are……………
a. Uncertain
b. certain
c. constant
d. none of these

48. Agricultural price policy protects the interest of……………..
a. Farmers
b. consumers
c. both a and b
d. none of these

49. ……………… are the prices which farmers are assured to receive.
a. Minimum support price
b. Procurement prices
c. Issue prices
d. Maximum support price

50. ……………… served as a floor price and ensures reasonable profit margin for farmers
a. Procurement prices
b. maximum price fixation
c. market prices
d. minimum support prices

Answer: 41)Agriculture 42)2000 43)conserve soil and water 44)4% 45)28th July 2000 46)both a and b 47)Uncertain 48)both a and b 49)Minimum support price 50)minimum support prices

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