Agriculture During Post Reform Period MCQ | 65 Free MCQs

51. ………… are the prices at which the government procures food grains from farmers for maintaining PDS and buffer stock.
a. Minimum support prices
b. procurement prices
c. issue prices
d. all of these

52. Issue prices are the prices at which the government supplies food grains to……………..
a. Fair price shops
b. open market
c. middlemen
d. traders

53. ………………. is responsible to purchase, store and distribute the food grains in the country.
a. Food Corporation of India
b. National crop forecasting Centre
c. high powered monitoring board
d. none of the above

54. Agricultural price policy has mainly benefited………………
a. Small farmers
b. big farmers and landlords
c. both a and b
d. none of these

55. Agricultural price policy has increased ………………. differences.
a. Inter-state
b. inter-regional
c. both a and b
d. none of these

56. Agricultural price policy has mainly benefited………….
a. High productivity – low cost states
b. low-productivity-high cost states
c. both a and b
d. none of these

57. The objectives of agricultural price policy is/ are…………….
a. Price stability
b. ensuring minimum price to crops
c. support farmers from distress sales
d. all of these

58. ………….. are the limitations of agricultural price policy
a. Inflationary trend
b. problem to buffer stock
c. ineffective PDS
d. all of these

59. Administered prices include…………….
a. Minimum support prices
b. procurement prices
c. issue prices
d. all of these

60. Buffer stock is the stock of food grains procured by the government through…………….
b. FCI

Answer: 51)procurement prices 52)Fair price shops 53)Food Corporation of India 54)big farmers and landlords 55)both a and b 56)low-productivity-high cost states 57)all of these 58)Inflationary trend 59)all of these 60)FCI

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