30+ Balance of Payment and WTO MCQ’s | (Free Resource) Business Economics

31. In the past several years, India’s capital account balance was in ________ .
a) surplus
b) deficit
c) balance
d) none of the above

32. Portfolio foreign investment is included in _______ account of BoP.
a) current
b) capital
c) trade
d) debit

33. Expenditure switching policies to correct BoP deficit include ________ of domestic currency.
a) devaluation
b) appreciation
c) revaluation
d) all of the above

34. Tariffs and quotas are imposed on imports to correct BoP deficit are called as ________ measures.
a) indirect
b) passive
c) direct
d) all of the above

35. The sum of the total export-import demand elasticity must be ________ .
a) equal to one
b) zero
c) greater than one
d) less than one

36. In the past several years, India’s net invisibles were in _________ .
a) surplus
b) deficit
c) balance
d) none of the above)

Answers: 31)surplus 32)capital 33)devaluation 34)direct 35)greater than one 36)surplus

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  1. April 4, 2022

    […] Balance of Payment and International Economics Organisation […]

  2. April 4, 2022

    […] Balance of Payment and International Economics Organisation […]

  3. May 25, 2024

    […] Balance of Payment and International Economics Organisation […]

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