Marketing Decisions 2 MCQ (Marketing Mix, Packaging, Pricing) | 50 Free MCQs

21. ……………. refers to extra incentives that the channel intermediaries get to stock and promote the products.
a. Push commission
b. Pull incentives
c. Extra Credit period

22. The main objective of advertising is to ……………… .
a. Create awareness
b. increase sales
c. increase profits

23. ……………. involves preparing and placing attractive displays of a new product.
a. Salesmanship
b. Merchandising
c. Sales Promotion

24. …………………. system takes place when two or more stages of a distribution channel are combined and managed by one firm.
a. Third Party Logistics
b. Horizontal Marketing
c. Vertical Marketing

25. ……………. is a form of consumer-oriented promotion techniques.
a. Exchange offers
b. Trade discount
c. Dealer conferences

26. …………….. facilitates detailed information to the prospective customers.
a. Trade Fairs
b. Sponsorship
c. Advertising

27. ……………, channel is also called as ‘zero-level marketing channel.
a. Indirect
b. Direct
c. Multi-level

28. ………………… marketing system is an arrangement whereby two or more firms at the same level join together for marketing purposes to capitalize on a new opportunity.
a. Horizontal
b. Vertical
c. Multi-level
d. None of the above

29. ……………… helps in protecting the goods from damage during transportation.
a. Packaging
b. Tracking
c. Insurance

30. …………… is an unpaid form of promotion mix.
a. Publicity
b. Advertising
c. Salesmanship

Answer: 21)Push commission 22)Create awareness 23)Merchandising 24)Vertical Marketing 25)Exchange offers 26)Trade Fairs 27)Direct 28)Horizontal 29)Packaging 30)Publicity

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