MCQ on Investment Accounting (Free) | AS 13

11. In case of _________ interest due upto date of transaction is payable extra.
a) cum-interest
b) fixed price
c) all type of
d) ex interest

12. The receipt of bonus shares is to be shown in _________ column of investment.
a) cost price
b) number of bands
c) no. of shares
d) market value

13. The Investment Account is prepared in _________ column.
a) one
b) six
c) two
d) three

14. The difference between cost of debentures and amount received on redemption is transferred to __________ Account.
a) Investment A/c
b) Capital Reserve A/c
c) Profit & Loss Account
d) none of the above

15. Investment Account is debited for __________ on sale of investment.
a) profit
b) loss
d) none of the above

16. The dividend received for pre-acquisition period is credited to __________ Account.
a) Investment
b) Profit & Loss Account
c) Capital Reserve A/c
d) none of the above

17. The balance in interest column in Investment Account is transferred to __________ .
a) Profit & Loss Account
b) Capital Reserve A/c
c) Investment A/c
d) none of the above

18. Ex-interest price includes __________ only.
a) market value
b) face value
c) cost / value
d) none of the above

19. The value of shares allotted on conversion of debentures is credited in __________ Account.
a) Capital
b) Profit & Loss Account
c) Investment A/c
d) Debentures

20. The right shares are shown in investment only when right is ___________.
a) Purchased
b) Exercsised / Accepted
c) not accepted
d) none of the above

Answers: 11)ex interest 12)no. of shares 13)three 14)Profit & Loss Account 15)profit 16)Investment 17)Profit & Loss Account 18)cost / value 19)Debentures 20)exercised / accepted

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